Coral Desert

Naris 2: The Parched Coral Reef



Rainbow Dunes

Aerial Terrestrial CID R-5

A vast desert made up of multi-colored crushed coral. The large particles are sharp and can turn into flying razors when in a storm. Watch your step, you never know what predators are lurking underneath the sand.


Salt Pools

Aerial Terrestrial CID R-6

Tide pools that dotted the landscape have dried up leaving deposits of salt behind. The air is hazy with blowing salt, giving an overall aura of drabness.


Trench Canyons

Marine Terrestrial CID R-7

These deep canyons are one of the only places on the planet to have been spared from fully drying out. Shallower parts of the canyon are filled with muddy waters, while the deepest depths have yet to be explored.


Vent Fields

Aerial Terrestrial CID R-8

Spans of hydrothermal vents are now fields of mini-volcanoes. The creatures here have adapted to the heat and are able to withstand exposure to lava.


Planet Data

Orbital Characteristics

Orbiting Body
The Nose
Orbital Radius
2 NU
Orbital Period
11 Days

Physical Characteristics

4 Regions
Rotation Period
20 Hours
Booger Moons
Detection Method
Direct Imaging


We think this planet was once covered almost entirely with salt water. Due to an unknown catastrophic event most of that water has disappeared into thin air. We can only speculate as to the cause and where the water has gone, and only hope that our space station doesn’t suffer the same fate. The sudden loss of water had a devastating effect on the flora and fauna, but not all was lost. Life is resilient and has adapted to the change.