Sinus Infection

Naris 1: Snot Reigns Supreme



City of Noses

Marine Terrestrial CID R-1

The features of this region resemble an urban city, and the creatures found here sport long noses. Put the two together and the region gets the name "City of Noses." Species belong to three different guilds, members of which are identifiable by their different metallic finishes.


Nose Hair Prairie

Aerial Terrestrial CID R-2

The prairie grass defining this region is actually made of tall nose hairs. To adapt to their surroundings, the species found here are also covered in long hair.


Snot Bubble Aerie

Aerial Marine CID R-3

This unique region is an ocean of floating snot bubbles connected by currents of mucus. Marine creatures ride the currents to travel from bubble to bubble. While traveling, they're prime targets for big-brained flying creatures ready to swoop in and catch their next meal.


Bad Drainage

Aerial Marine Terrestrial CID R-4

The Bad Drainage region is the result of snot left to stagnate. Sticky tar and infection afflict the organisms here. Despite the stagnation, creatures are thriving; we've discovered that all species found in the other regions have a subspecies here.


Planet Data

Orbital Characteristics

Orbiting Body
The Nose
Orbital Radius
0.5 NU
Orbital Period
15 Days

Physical Characteristics

4 Regions
Rotation Period
10 Hours
Booger Moon
Detection Method


Sinus Infection was the first planet to pop out of The Great Sneeze. The planet didn’t travel very far, resulting in it being the closest orbiting planet of The Nose. Its surface is constantly bombarded with snot from The Nose’s nasal cycles. This snot, which has a chemical makeup similar to our own, has given rise to gross new ecosystems. Creatures with foot long nose hairs, oceans made of mucus bubbles, goop, and boogers all await you on the surface of Sinus Infection.